Monday, July 26, 2010

I found my dad's Dermatologist Bill? What does this mean?

I found a bill, its my dad's and its from a dermatologist. My dad doesnt wanna tell me what it is because I called him and he said he never went to a dermatologist. It says 'Destroy Benign/Premalig Lesion' on it, what does this mean?I found my dad's Dermatologist Bill? What does this mean?
If he has something benign removed, then it's no big deal. If it was malignant, then it's serious.

In the meantime, you should respect your dad's privacy. If he had wanted you to know, he would have told you.I found my dad's Dermatologist Bill? What does this mean?
Just let it go maybe its just something he doesnt want to talk about. dermatology is a touchy subject

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