wasn't strong enough and you went back would they give you something that has to take ANOTHER 2 months (plus the part where you brake out more) to fully work or it work sooner because your already on a milder prescription? Plus what can a dermatologist do for oily skin?If the prescription your dermatologist gave you...?
Ask a regular doctor if tetracycline might clear up your acne. It cleared mine up in three months. I took it for another three months, and then the acne never did come back. Acne is caused by bacteria. It takes a few months to clear up a bad infection. Dermatologists sometimes don't want your acne to clear up, cause they want your repeat business. Here is my full story:If the prescription your dermatologist gave you...?
Oily skin can be hormonal so going on the pill (age dependant) is likely to help. It will also help with acne (as long as you go onto a specific one)
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