If you prefer to deal with physical problems (skin problems) then you should be a dermatologist. If you prefer to deal with mental problems then you should be a psychiatrist.
Being a psychiatrist would undoubtedly be far more stressful because it is probably much harder to deal with mental problems than physical problems.
Presumably, dermatology would be easier to learn as well. Brain or mental problems are undoubtedly far more complexDermatologist or Psychiatrist?
Personally there is no camparison in the type of Dr. these are. Its like asking if you would rather be a neuroseurgeon or a internal medicine dr. Each field has its own frustrations and rewards. Both get to help people but the psychiatrist gets to see a different type of result. They can see an improvement in a pt because of what they are doing. This improvment is a challenge to obtain, and something to be proud of. This internal change can have life altering consequences for the patient.
The dermatologist gets to cut off skin cancers, say things look suspious and cut it off. They do facial peels, mini face lifts and things that cosemetically change people. The person doesn't change, the outside does. On occasion they do come across a melanoma and alot of times this has to be referred to the general surgeon and the oncologist, he doesn't get to see the results of his work.
I'd rather be a psychiatrist.
Dermatologists can usually set their hours unless you specialize in trauma. More specific set of diseases and ways to diagnose them. You can also support different product lines of skin care to supplement income.
Psychiatrists have specific office hours but deal with diagnoses that are harder to arrive at and also have emergency implications.
Just my opinions!
Psychiatrist-crazy people are much more interesting than rashes. I think it would be more rewarding to help people that were suffering from depression or other types of more serious mental issues.
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