Tuesday, August 17, 2010

For people who have been to a dermatologist for acne... did it help & what did they do?

I have had horrible acne too, but now have clear skin without breakouts. What I did to get this is went to a doctor, he prescribed doxycylcline to me. It is an antibiotic that I take every day. It is low dose, but it is enough to keep the acne away. Acne is often caused by too much of a bacteria called p.acnes on the face. It is normal to have this bacteria but in acne patients it gets clogged up in our pores due to them being irregularly shaped compared to someone without acne and it gets stuck in there with the skin oils. This causes a plug up and that is what results in an acne flare. The bacteria overgrows and it spreads on the face/neck/back wherever you have it. The only way to rid of the overabundance of p.acnes is antibiotics, no facewash will help if this is your acne cause, it will demand antibiotic treatment.

A second medication I use is retin-a. This helps my skin to shed off dead cells, making my skin appear healthier. I tried so many other things, proactive, tea tree oil, tazorac etc, but nothing did my acne justice like what I am doing now. I am telling you, I swear by it

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