Monday, November 21, 2011

What is a dermatologist?

what can a dermatologist help us with?What is a dermatologist?
More than just a skin doctor, maybe this information will help you.

Dermatologist: A dermatologist is a physician who has expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with benign and malignant disorders of the skin, mouth, external genitalia, hair and nails, as well as a number of sexually transmitted diseases. Dermatologists have extensive training and experience in the diagnosis and treatment of skin cancers, melanomas, moles, and other tumors of the skin, contact dermatitis and other allergic and non-allergic disorders, and in the recognition of the skin manifestations of systemic (including internal malignancy), and infectious diseases. The dermatologist also has expertise in the management of cosmetic disorders of the skin such as hair loss and scars.

To be certified as a dermatologist, a physician must have had at least four years of post-graduate residency training accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education. The first broad-based general clinical year is followed by three years of intensive training in dermatology including dermatopathology and dermatologic surgery. In addition to the successful completion of the four years of required training, the certification process includes a comprehensive examination administered by the American Board of Dermatology.

With this background and knowledge, dermatologists are singularly qualified to diagnose and treat the wide variety of dermatologic conditions as well as benign and malignant skin tumors. Dermatologists also have expertise in the care of normal skin and in the prevention of skin diseases and skin cancers.

What do Dermatologists Do?

Dermatologists perform many specialized diagnostic procedures including microscopic examination of skin biopsy specimens, cytological smears, patch tests, photo tests, potassium hydroxide (KOH) preparations, fungus cultures and other microbiologic examination of skin scrapings and secretions. Treatment methods used by dermatologists include externally applied, injected, and internal medications, selected x-ray and ultraviolet light therapy, and a range of dermatologic surgical procedures. The training and experience of dermatologists in dermatologic surgery include electrosurgery, cryosurgery with the use of freezing surgical units, laser surgery, nail surgery, biopsy techniques and excisional surgery with appropriate closures, including flaps and grafts. Among some of the techniques used by dermatologists for the correction of cosmetic defects are dermabrasion, chemical face peels, hair transplants, injections of materials into the skin for scar revision, sclerosis of veins, and laser surgery of vascular lesions of the skin, including certain birth marks. Patients seeking a dermatologist may come directly or may be referred by another physician.A certified specialist in dermatology may subspecialize and become certified for Special Qualification.

In 1988, an AAD Task Force on Professional Guidelines under the Committee on Guidelines of Care was appointed by the Academy's President to develop a document that would clearly define what a dermatologist is and does, as well as detail the extensive and rigorous medical and surgical training required prior to specialty board certification. The first report on credentialing and privileging was approved by the AAD Board of Directors in 1990. It is periodically updated and reflects the best data available at the time it is prepared:What is a dermatologist?
A dermatologist is like a doctor that helps you with your skin. They help you keep your skin in good shape. They can also give you pills to control your acne.
skin doctor

They can help you NOT to get skin cancer
skin, rash, pimples, skin bacteria etc
A dermatologist is a doctor of skin - the largest organ of the body.
A dermatologist is a skin doctor.
a doctor of the skin
To prevent or provide early control of disease, eg remove skin cancer.

To improve the skin's appearance by removing growths, discolourations, or damage caused by ageing, sunlight or disease.

To establish a definite diagnosis (biopsy).

Common skin diseases include

Skin cancer


Fungal infections


Psoriasis - a skin disorder which affects 100,000 New Zealanders.

Acne affects every teenager to one degree or another.

Hand dermatitis, resulting from external contact with detergents and household chemicals, affects most women with young families.

One in six of all children develop atopic eczema

One in five persons suffers from cold sores (herpes simplex).
A specialist in dermatology. A doctor who specializes in the treatment of diseases of the skin.
A dermatologist is a skin doctor. They help with acne, removal of scars, dandruff, psoriasis, eczema, and other skin disorders.
a doctor of the SKIN.

You see him for acne , cancerous malignant brown spots etc
someone who can help you take good care of your skin and studies cures for skin deseises sort of like a skin doctor

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