Monday, November 21, 2011

Does anyone know a really great dermatologist in eczema, dermamtitis and that its not intrested in just money?

Try the natural way! Aloe Vera has been used to treat eczema however because its not a drug it cannot be prescribed therefore doctors will not tell you the costly truth. don鈥檛 just take my word for it, ask your doctor and look into his eye when you do and ask yourself why they didn鈥檛 tell you the natural way to protect your selfDoes anyone know a really great dermatologist in eczema, dermamtitis and that its not intrested in just money?
USE PRObiotics!!! Eczema is your body's inability to retain moisture in your skin. Thus, you have dry skin patches. You can use lotions which treat the symptom. If you want to treat the root causes, one which is very likely to be your skin not getting enough vitamins. Then you may want to take something like:

GNC: Digestive Health Powder(AWESOME PRODUCT). It contains prebiotics, PRObiotics and digestive enzymes that help breakdown and absorb the nutrients from your food better. All your organs improve especially the largest one that takes more vitamins... YOUR SKIN. Take a product like this for about a week. You may be VERY surprised at the improvement.

Note you should be taking a multivitamin and fish oil along with a good diet that includes fruits, veggies, lean meat, long grains and water.

Oh yeah, take warm.. not hot showers since the heat pulls more moisture out of the skin.

Probiotics helped clear up about 80% of my kid's eczema in less than a week. I had to do the research to find this information since all the doctors only suggested lotion that did NOT clear up the problem. Please let me know if this worked for you.

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