Thursday, July 22, 2010

How do you become a dermatologist?

What can oyu do while you are still in high school to prepeare also what does it entail how many years of schoolign are required adn what are soem good schools to go toHow do you become a dermatologist?
First of all, you need to learn to spell correctly or use the spell checker. You will need to learn to write and express yourself very well. Secondly, you'll need to prepare by taking a lot of math and sciences (i.e., algebra, calculus, biology, chemistry). Excellent grades (3.6 GPA or higher) in college would be a top priority to be considered for a well respected medical school. Your choice in where you go to college plays an important role in being accepted to medical school. Choose the college you decide to attend wisely.

To reiterate one thing, develop your writing skills. Your question as written certainly brings those skills into question.

If you plan to eventually go into private practice, business (accounting) and management studies would be helpful since you will need those skills to operate your own business. Many doctors these days have difficulty managing their practices because they don't understand basic business principles.

An excellent score on the MCAT is an absolute prerequisite. A MCAT score of 30 or higher with a GPA of 3.7 or better would certainly catch the attention of the more prestigious medical schools.

Johns Hopkins, Duke,Southwestern, University of Texas, UCLA, University of Wisconsin, Wake Forrest, Penn State, University of Minnesota, are some excellent medical schools. There are many others that you can investigate via the web.

Finally, you will need to prepare for entering the real world by paying off the large debt you incurred and working long hard hours while in residency which virtually pays nothing for 3 to 4 years. It will be tough, but rewarding if you have the gumption to stick it out.

Dr. A MD-PhDHow do you become a dermatologist?
If you want to become a Dermatologist- you want to become a Doctor. Therefore, on average it will take you approximately 12 years after high school to become a Licensed Dermatologist! During high school take AP classes in Science and Math. Preferrably AP Bio, AP Chemistry, and Pre-Calculus. Go to a 4 year college, (choose a major)... and try to keep a high g.p.a. You must then take the MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) - which is probably the Hardest test you will ever take in your life. Its difficult, but required to attend Med School. If you score high enough (27-30) you'll have a chance of attending Medical School. After you graduate from there, you have to do a 3-4 year Residency.

GOOD LUCK- by the time your 30, you should be a Dr. (lol)

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