Thursday, July 22, 2010

Dermatologist covered by Alberta Health Care?

Does anyone know if Alberta Health Care covers all or any of the dermatologist acne treatments?? Dermatologist covered by Alberta Health Care?
There are certain things that are covered by Alberta Health Care when it comes to dermatologists

Dermatologist services are only covered in Alberta by Alberta Health Care when the issue is NON-Cosmetic. So if you have a mole and don't like it, expect to pay.

The only time ABHC will cover them is if the issue is a health concern, such as cancerous cells, or high chance of being infected or ill.

Acne generally is not considered that unless it is bad to the point where you cannot live a normal life.

1 comment:

Lula said...

That's not true - there are acne treatments covered by Alberta health care. Google laser clinics and derms in your area and it should have info on their websites.

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